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Exploration and Colonization Review

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What was life like in the Southern Colonies?
warm climate, rich soil, plantations, cash crops, reliance on slave labor
What was life like in the Middle Colonies?
moderate climate, the"breadbasket", farming and industry, religious and cultural diversity and tolerance
What was life like in the New England Colonies?
cold climate, rocky soil, farming just enough for one's family, fishing, shipbuilding, small villages, religious communities
How did tobacco save Jamestown?
settlers learned to grow and sell it for profit
What was the Mayflower Compact?
Pilgrims agreed to make laws for the good of their colony
What problem did early settlers face in the first English settlements?
not enough food
What country was more interested in establishing fur trade than making settlements, and had friendly relations with the Native Americans?
What part of North America was explored and claimed by the English?
east coast along the Atlantic Ocean, from Maine to Georgia
What part of North America was explored and claimed by the Dutch?
Hudson River Valley in NY
What part of North America was explored and claimed by the French?
the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys
What part of North America was explored and claimed by the Spanish?
the SW from California to Texas, and Florida
What part of North America was explored and claimed by the Spanish?
the SW from California to Texas, and Florida
Why did the Dutch establish a colony in NY?
the Hudson River - trade, transportation, fertile soil, plentiful natural resources
What is meant by the term Northwest Passage?
a water route through North America to Asia
What is meant by the term favorable balance of trade?
a country exports (sells) more than it imports (buys)
Who benefits from the relationship between the mother country and the colonies?
the mother country
What is mercantilism?
the belief that a nation's power is based on its wealth
What was the Middle Passage?
the route across the Atlantic Ocean that brought enslaved Africans to North America
What was triangular trade?
trade that linked North America, Europe and Africa
What did Europeans do when the Native Americans died from diseases?
imported slaves from Africa
How did many Europeans view the Native Americans?
as inferior
How did the conquistadors defeat the early American empires?
native allies, guns, horses, disease weakened resistance
How did the conquistadors treat the natives?
they enslaved them and forced them to farm and mine for gold
How did European exploration impact the Native Americans?
many natives died from diseases to which they lacked immunity
What is the Columbian Exchange?
the transfer of plants and animals between the Old and New worlds
What sparked European interest in overseas exploration?
desire for goods from Asia
What new technology improved navigation and made longer overseas voyages possible?
better ships, better maps, astrolabe, magnetic compass