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Nervous system

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What organs of nervous system are in this picture?
brain and spinal cord and some nerve
The brain _________ almost all of the activities of the body.
Name 2 examples of sensing
Taste the cake, touch the ice....
Name 2 examples of memorising
learning the vocabulary, learning the lyrics of a song...
Name 2 examples of thinking
create a solution for a problem, solving a math problem....
Name 2 examples of moving
running, walking, dancing...
What organ of the nervous system lies within the spine?
spinal cord
The brain controls almost all of the activities of the body such as moving, (1)________, (2)________, (3)___________.
sensing, thinking, memorising
The brain is the _______ of the nervous system.
centre (or center)
What are the missing letters? me_ _ _ _ _ing
m,o,r,i,s (memorising)
What are the missing letters? b_ _ in
r,a (brain)
Right brain controls _______ side of the body.
Left brain controls _______ side of the body.
Name 2 sides of the brain
Left brain and Right brain
Name 5 senses of human
Hearing, touch, vision (or sight), smell, taste
Name 4 functions of the brain
Memorising, thinking, moving, sensing
The spinal cord are distributed through out the body. True or False?
The nerves are distributed through out the body. True or False?
The spinal cord lies within the _____.
The brain is inside and protected by the ________.
How many nerves each human has?
7 trillion
How many spinal cord each human has?
How many brain each human has?
Name 3 organs of nervous system
brain, spinal cord, nerves