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It is a process of preparing food for future consumption by preventing its spoilage.
Food preservation
Food is kept at low temperature to prolong their freshness.
Application of salt to the food to be preserved.
Methods of food preservation ( Give 8)
It is the preservation that uses heat produced by burning wood.
What method of food preservation is grapes+yeast+barrel = wine
These food are preserved by combining sugar, salt, and vinegar.
Atsara or pickles
It is a quick and convenient way to preserve food such as meat, poultry, and fish, which are stored in the freezer until they are to be consumed.
Freezing or refrigeration
What method of food preservation is salted egg?
What is the machine that uses artificial heated air under the drying method?
mechanical dryer
A method of food preservation where in food is salted and placed under the sun
Complete the statement: Learning to preserve food is fun as well as a ______ hobby.
It is a method of preserving food, which combines the use of heat and sealing in an airtight container to kill spoilage microorganisms and inactivate enzymes and prevent contamination.