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Living Oxford 5A Unit 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you made a candle yet? Now is 1 pm. Timetable: 12:00 noon - make a candle
Yes, I have already made a candle.
Have you ridden an elephant yet? Now is 1 pm. Timetable: 12:50 pm - ride an elephant
Yes, I have just ridden an elephant.
Have you tidied the barn yet? Now is 1 pm. Timetable: 10 am - tidy the barn
Yes, I have already tidied the barn.
Have you brushed the horses yet? Now is 1 pm. Timetable: 1:10 pm - brush the horses
No, I haven't brushed the horses yet.
Have you fixed the rope course yet? Now is 1 pm. Timetable: 11:30 am - fix the rope course
Yes, I have already fixed the rope course.
Have you cleaned the tree house yet? Now is 1 pm. Timetable: 12:53 pm - clean the tree house
Yes, I have just cleaned the tree house.
Have you fed the chickens yet? Now is 1 pm. Timetable: 1:30 pm - feed the chickens
No, I haven't fed the chickens yet.