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Where did modern badminton start?
The modern badminton is said to have been developed in British India among the expatriate officers and it became very popular by the 1870s.
Why did the mushroom go to the party?
Because he was a fungi
How did i jam my finger
You can get a jammed finger when you smash your finger against something and the force pushes the tip of your finger down toward your hand.
why did a frog jump on me?
Just like the turtle symbolism, the frog spirit animal jumps on your path to signal that it's time to speak up and be heard.
Why did a bee sting me for no reason?
Bees sting for the purpose of self defence or defence of the colony from predators.
Why did a good number of men of the upper classes fear the Patriot movement?
They feared that resistance to Britain was the beginning of broader anarchy.
What is the smallest body part?
The Stapes. It is one of three tiny bones in the middle ear that convey sound from the outer ear to the inner ear.
What is the defining feature of a chair?
A chair must afford sitting to be a chair, or it seizes to be a chair and is reduced to nothing but void material.
As a percentage of your own weight, how heavy should a weighted blanket be?
The general guideline is 10 percent of your own body weight.
Give the adjective that best describes the slipperiness of porcelain floors.
Ceramic and porcelain tile floors are notoriously slippery.
How many world records does the world record world record holder hold? Within 50 world records.
Ashrita Furman is a Guinness World Records record-breaker. As of 2017, Furman has set more than 600 official Guinness Records and currently holds 226 record.
For how many months can you keep beets in your fridge before they go bad?
Beets. Good news, beet lovers: Your favorite carpet-staining veggie can last between two and four months when stored in the fridge.
How many flies would it take to lift a human
8,390,000 flies A fly can lift about half its weight, so around 10 mg. Let's say that the average adult male's body weight is around 83.9 kilos.
What was the first film ever made?
The Galloping Horse 1878
How many different flowers are there in Minecraft?
27 flowers Flowers spawn in most Minecraft biomes.
What is "The Gigantic Turnip"
"The Gigantic Turnip" or "The Enormous Turnip" is a Russian folktale.
How many medium apples are there in a bushel?
A bushel of apples typically holds about 125 medium apples. That's enough to make 15 (or more) quarts of applesauce or around 15 apple pies.
Who played the joker in Tim Burton's Batman film?
Jack Nicholson
What is the world record for the most plates smashed within 30 seconds? 5 plate leeway on either side
Which year was the Beatles first album released?
22nd March, 1963
Who sang "Video killed the radio star"?
The Buggles
Within 5 meters either way, how long is the longest paper airplane?
19.5 meters
Name at least one character from "Time Squad"
Otto Osworth; Lawrence "Larry" 3000; Beauregard "Buck" Tuddrussel
What is pineapple upside-down cake?
An upside-down cake is a cake that is baked in a single pan with its toppings at the bottom of the pan, hence "upside-down".