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Solar system
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the coldest planet in out Solar System
What is the name of our galaxy?
Milky Way
Which planets is the hottest planet?
What is the smallest planet in the solar System?
What does 'terrestrial planets' mean?
Planets that have surface made out of rock and dust.
List one difference between Earth and Mars.
temperature, gravity, etc.
What is the name of the spaceship (rover) that visited Mars on a NASA mission
Which has Higher (warmer) temperature? Mars or Earth
Which of these are required for the survival in Mars? A) Thick atmosphere (more oxygen) B) colder temperatures C) rainfall
A) Lower levels of oxygens
Which of these is NOIT required for the survival in Mars? A) Higher gravity B) Existence of liquid water C) rocky surface
C - rocky surface
The only planet that has life found as we know it.
a large natural object that orbits or travels around planets
the star at the center of the solar system
a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around the sun
made of the sun and everything that orbits around the sun including planets, asteroids, etc.
Solar system
a chunk of rock and metal in outer space that is in orbit around the sun.
large natural objects that orbit, or travel around the stars. There is 8 of then in our solar system.