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Amazing Animal Helpers

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What animal protected a boy from an attack by a mountain lion?
Angel the dog
What animal is the most loyal?
How did a cat save it's owners from a fire?
It dipped it's paws in the toilet then walked over his owners' faces.
How do carrier pigeons save lives in wars?
The pigeons can find their way and carry messages long distances - even through gunfire!
Why did Mila the beluga whale have to save a diver?
The diver had cramps and couldn't swim to the surface.
How strong are ants?
They can lift 20 times their body weight!
What kind of animal saved a dog from drowning in a river?
A seal!
Which animal has rescued people: A dog, an ant, or a cougar?
a dog!
What animals have won medals?
Pigeons, horses, dogs
What animal has worked for the police?
A horse
What animal can hear through it's feet?
An Elephant
What animal saved people from Sharks?
A Dolphin