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Christmas quiz

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There is one thing you must do on 5th January. What is it? Burn your Christmas cards OR take down all the Christmas decorations?
Take down all the decorations, unless you want bad luck and tree spirits in your house
What happens in the UK on 6th January? You give back the presents you don't like OR nothing happens, it not a holiday
Nothing special really happens - it's not a bank holiday
Mistletoe is a winter plant used for decoration. What are you supposed to do with it?
Hang it up and kiss under it
What happened on Christmas Day 1914, during WW1? Christmas was cancelled because of the fighting OR the soldiers stopped fighting and played football instead?
there was a temporary truce and some soldiers played football and sang carols together
Back to Christmas cards again. Approximately how many Christmas cards do the British send every year? To the closest million...
They send 125 million cards...
Another winter celebration, New Year's Eve has different name in Scotland. Is it Saint Sylvester's Eve OR Hogmanay?
It is called Hogmanay
Going to the circus is popular at Christmas. Where was the first circus?
The Circus Maximus in Rome
What happened in England, at Christmas 1644? Over 12,000 people died in a winter plague OR Christmas was abolished and everyone had to go to work?
The celebration of Christmas was abolished by parliament
What's a Christmas cracker? A cylindrical object you pull that has a paper hat inside OR a box with jumping toy inside.
It's a cylindrical object that you pull with another person. The one who gets the biggest half wins whatever is inside
Christmas card are very popular in some places. When was the first one invented? 1655, 1789, 1843 OR 1910?
Sir Henry Cole sent the first one in 1843
Why does Santa come down the chimney? Because in Lapland the doors and windows are locked OR because in Lapland the chimney is also the door?
People used to live in houses under the snow in Lapland so the chimney was also the front door
Where does the figure of Santa, Saint Nicholas or Father Christmas originally come from?
Greece (Saint Nicholas), Netherlands (Santa Claus), England (Father Christmas), Belgium, Switzerland have all influenced these winter time figures.
Christmas pudding is a special pudding to eat after your turkey. What special surprise can you find inside?
It's popular to eat turkey at Christmas in many countries. Where do turkeys come from originally?
North America