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Challenge 2 - Final Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence with the words: besides / funny / beautiful
Besides being funny, she is also beautiful
Make a sentence with the words: interesting / however
The show was really interesting. However, I couldn't go. I had to help mom at home
Choose the best option: "Do you have ____ (some / any) ideas for the event?
Report what was said: Zé to Mike: "This drink is Delicious"
Zé told Mike that the drink was delicious
Report what was said: - Laura to Mia: "Do you want to go the beach with me?"
Laura asked Mia if she wanted to go to the beach with her
Make a sentence with the words: had / eat / dinner / when / arrived
I had eaten dinner when she arrived
Make a sentence using the third conditional
Choose the best option: Maria, _____ (which / who) is 16 years old, studies here.
How often do you read books?
Compare two people using the word: tall
Ricardo is taller than João
Compare two people using the word: Intelligent
Maria is more intelligent than Bruno
Choose the best option: There are so ______ (much / many) people in the mall!
Choose the best option: I was so ______ (bored / boring) watching that movie
Choose the best option: This job is so________ (exhausted / exhausting)
Make a sentence with the words: Despite
Despite the price, I bought the cellphone
Make a sentence with the word: although
Although I didn't have money, I bought the cellphone
Make a sentence with the words: not only / but also
Not only he is a nice guy, but also he is handsome!
Make a sentence with the words: enough / time
I don't have enough time / time enough
Who traveled with you on your last vacation? How was that?
Where did you go on your last vacation?
What did you last weekend?
I + verb in the past
Make a sentence with the words: connected / emotional
They are connected in a very emotional way