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Principles of Government

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: As citizens, we vote and that is how we demonstrate popular sovereignty.
What document is the Bill of Rights attached to?
The Constitution
Sovereignty means _______
True or False: Great Britain is an example of a limited government.
Why do we limit the power of government?
To avoid tyranny (king)
Which branch checks the constitutionality of any laws or actions of government?
Judicial Branch
Which branch enforces the laws?
Executive Branch
Which branch creates (makes) laws?
Each branch has controls over the other two branches, making sure one branch doesn't become too powerful refers to which principle of government?
Checks and Balances
Which principle states that the people get to vote for who they want to represent them?
What does popular stand for in popular sovereignty?
The government only gets its power given to it by the Constitution, what is this called?
Limited government
What is it called when the government is divided into the legislative, executive, and judicial branches?
Separation of Powers
Which principle divided the powers between two distinct governments (national and state)?
After the Constitution was ratified, the Bill of Rights were added to protect what?
Individual Rights
What is the system where the 3 branches of government keep one from having too much power?
Checks and Balances
Which principle says the people are the ultimate power of government?
Popular Sovereignty