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In the morning
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I go to sleep
I go to sleep
I put on pajamas
I put on pajamas
I take a bath
I take a bath
I take a bath
I take a bath
I drink milk
I drink milk
I play games
I play games
I read a book
I read a book
I watch TV
I watch TV
I eat dinner
I eat dinner
I do my homework
I do my homework
I go to sleep at ____________
I put on pajamas at _________
I drink milk at ___________
I watch TV in the ______________
I do my homework in the ____________________
I eat dinner in the _______________
I study English in the ____________
I eat lunch in the_____________
I play outside in the ________
I get dressed in the ______________
I wake up in the _________
I eat breakfast in the ______________
the / evening / I / book / read / a / in
I read a book in the evening / In the evening I read a book
At / night / sleep / I / go / to
I go to sleep at night
put / I / on / pajamas
I put on pajamas
to / sleep / go / I
I go to sleep
Yes or no: Wake up
Yes or no: Go to sleep
Go to sleep
Yes or no: Brush my teeth
Yes or no: Put on pajamas
Put on pajamas
Yes or no: Take a shower
Yes or no: Take a bath
Take a bath
Yes or no: Eat breakfast
Yes or no: Drink milk
Drink milk
Yes or no: Play outside
Yes or no: Play games
Play Games
Yes or no: Go to sleep
Yes or no: Read a book
Read a book!
Yes or no: Read a book
Yes or no: Watch TV
Watch TV
Yes or no: Eat dinner
Yes or no: Study English
Eat Dinner
Do my homework
Yes or no: I study math
Yes or no: Eat Lunch
breakfast / eat / I / the / morning / in
I eat breakfast in the morning
I / the / afternoon / snacks / in / buy
I buy snacks in the afternoon
lunch / afternoon / I / in / the / eat
I eat lunch in the afternoon
I / morning / face / wash / the / my / in
I wash my face in the morning
in / home / the / go / afternoon / I
I go home in the afternoon
home / go / I
I go home
Read: I go home
I go home
Read: I buy snacks
I buy snacks
Read: I eat lunch
I eat lunch
Read: I play outside
I play outside
Read: I study art
I study art
Read: I study Math
I study Math
Read: I study English
I study English
lunch / I / eat
I eat lunch
my / brush / in / teeth / morning / the / I
I brush my teeth in the morning
buy / snacks / I
I buy snacks
I / English / study
I study English
math / I / study
I study math
Go home
Buy snacks
Play outside
Eat lunch
Study Art
Study Math
Study English
Brush my teeth
Yes or no: Wake up
Yes or no: brush my teeeth
Brush my hair
Yes or no: Brush my teeth
Take a shower
Yes or no: Take a shower
Go to school
Yes or no: Eat breakfast
Yes or no: Go to school
Yes or no: Wash my face
Yes or no: Brush my hair
I / my / hair / brush
I brush my hair
Get / dressed / I
I get dressed
I / to / go / school
I go to school
Show: go to school
Act it out
Show: pack my school bag
Act it out
Show: eat breakfast
Act it out
Show: take a shower
Act it out
Show: Wash my face
Act it out
Show: Brush my hair
Act it out
Show: Brush my teeth
Act it out
Show: get dressed
Act it out
Show: Wake up
Act it out
___ brushes her hair
She brushes her hair
____ brushes his teeth
He brushes his teeth
______ washes his face
He washes his face
_____ washes her face
She washes her face
He packs ______ school bag
He packs his school bag
She packs _____ school bag
She packs her school bag
He brushes _______ hair
He brushes his hair
She brushes ______ hair
She brushes her hair
He brushes ______ teeth
He brushes his teeth
She brushes ______ teeth
She brushes her teeth
School / bag / I / pack / my
I back my school bag
I / brush / teeth / my
I brush my teeth
I / my / wash / face
I wash my face
Wake / up / I
I wake up
Breakfast / I /eat
I take a shower
Take / I / shower / a
I take a shower
I take a shower
I take a shower
I go to school
I go to school
I eat breakfast
I eat breakfast
I pack my school bag
I pack my school bag
I wash my face
I wash my face
I brush my hair
I brush my hair
I brush my teeth
I brush my teeth
I get dressed
I Get dressed
I wake up
I wake up