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December 2020

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mr. Truc brought 10 presents to his class. On his way to school, all but 3 presents fell out of his car. How many presents did Mr. Truc lose?
7 presents
Which of following reindeer names does not belong to Santa Clause's eight reindeers? A) Prancer B) Thunder C) Vixen D) Cupid
B) Thunder
What does caribou mean? A) Gold digger B) Snow pusher C) Moss shoveler D) Snow shoveler
D) Snow shoveler
What is the scientific name for reindeer? A) Ranger Tarandus B) Rangifer Trandus C) Rangifer Tarandus D) Ranger Trandus
C) Rangifer Tarandus
Which reindeer shed their antlers during winter? A) Males B) Females C) Both males and females D) None
A) Males
What are wild reindeers called in North America?
Fill in the blank: Snowflakes form the most complex snowflakes when the air is ______ and the humidity is ______. A) warm; high B) warm; low C) cold; high D) cold; low
C) cold; high
What elements make up a water molecule? A) Hydrogen and oxygen B) Hydrogen and magnesium C) Oxygen and silver D) Hydrogen and carbon
A) Hydrogen and oxygen
If you wanted to watch snow crystals forming, where would you look? A) Inside clouds B) On the ground C) Inside the ocean D) Between clouds and the ground
A) Inside clouds
What was the this week's BrainPOP about? A) Snow B) Snowflakes C) Winter D) Snow Storm
B) Snowflakes
In yesterday's chapter reading, what can everyone be? A) Chef B) Kind C) Firefighter D) Teacher
B) Kind
Fill in the blank from yesterday's chapter reading: A community is a group of people who live and work _________ in one area.
Fill in the blank from yesterday's chapter reading: The students are talking about holidays they will ________.
What was the name of the teacher in yesterday's chapter reading? A) Mr. Harris B) Mr. Jayden C) Mr. Riley D) Mr. Lucas
A) Mr. Harris
What was the title of yesterday's chapter reading?
Class Service Project
Mrs. Joy baked 50 cookies to share with the class. Mr. Truc sneaked into Mrs. Joy's kitchen and ate all the cookies. How many cookies were left for the class?
Mrs. Anh decided to celebrate Christmas early by giving $5 for each student. There were 4 students in the class. How much money did Mrs. Anh gave? A) $10 B) $15 C) $20 D) $25
C) $20
Mrs. Mina washed 2 cars yesterday. Today, Mrs. Mina washed 2 more cars. How many cars did Mrs. Mina washed in all?
4 cars
Mr. Truc has 6 chocolate bars on his desk. His staff were hungry so they took and ate 3 of the chocolate bars. How many chocolate bars does poor Mr. Truc have left? A) 3 chocolate bars B) 4 chocolate bars C) 5 chocolate bars
A) 3 chocolate bars