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Second Step Unit 1 Review: 4th & 5th Grade

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your favorite part of Second Step?
Answers vary
Can you predict how another person may feel? Please give an example
Answers vary
What does SEL stand for?
Socio Emotional Learning
Name 2 of your class rules.
Answers vary
What are put downs?
Anything said to another person that belittles or makes the other person feel bad.
What is the sign for refusing bullying?
Hand up to show "STOP"
How can you show bystander power in a bullying situation?
Answers vary.
Bullying or a Problem? Bullying or a problem? On Tuesday at lunch, Jackson takes Luca’s granola bar when he’s not looking. When Luca realizes it, he grabs it back and kicks Jackson under the table.
Its a problem!
What should you do if the person you reported bullying to doesn't make it stop?
Keep telling a trusted adult until you find someone who can make it stop.
What are the 4 criteria for defining a situation as bullying?
It is being mean on purpose. Repeated over and over. One-sided or unfair. Person cannot make it stop
In bullying, what is a bystander?
Someone who sees or knows of someone being bullied.
What are the 3 R's for bullying prevention?
Recognize, Report & Refuse
Listening with attention means...?
Answers vary
Having _______ helps you be respectful and act in a thoughtful way towards others.
When you can be trusted to do what is right, you are being _____?
What does 'perceive' mean?
to see or understand something. It also refers to what a person thinks has happened, even if someone else might not agree.
Can people have more than one feeling for a particular situation? Please give an example of complex feelings.
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Why do we have classroom rules?
To be safe and show respect to others.
What does it mean to be assertive?
Communicating what you need or want in a way that is respectful toward others.
Name one of the 4 skills for listening with attention.
Focus on words. Don't interrupt. Ask questions to find out more. Repeat what you heard to show you understand.
Practice can make your brains __________? (Fill in the blank)
What does the word 'respect' mean to you?
Answers vary
How many times does it say 'empathy' in the music video "Walk, Walk, Walk?"
What does 'empathy' mean?
To feel or understand what someone else is feeling.