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Remember the Titian’s Quiz

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Why did the black and white players bond so well unlike the rest of the community.
They bonded so well because unlike the community after they came from camp they all got to know each other while the community was still rioting about equality.
Gary changed his point of view in the movie about race equality. Is racism something people are born with or something they learn?
Racism isn’t something your born with it’s something you learn from your family and the people around you.
What influence did the football team have on the rest of the community?
The football team had a big influence in the community, once the community saw how both races came together they learned that they can do that too.
What are some factors that are helpful for the players and coaches to adapting to these new changes?
Some key factors that helpful in their situation are, listening to each other, communicating to each other, and not poking fun at each other’s races.
Was Coach Yoast to soft on the black football players? What did he learn?
Yes, at first Coach Yoast was to soft of the black players but he learned to not be too soft on the players from Coach Boone.
Why did Coach Yoast stay on the team as assistant coach with Coach Boone?
He stayed on the team as assistant coach because he new if they did win the game Boone would have been fired and he would’ve got his job back.
What were some of the reasons the football team was still resisting equality?
The reason for that is because for all of their lives they were taught black people are bad people so that’s making them still resist this integration.
What were Coach Boone’s coaching methods?
Coach Boone not only was teaching them how to play football but also teaching them lessons along the way to become better humans.
How was segregation shown in their town?
Businesses and the people in the community were not allowing black people to be around them and to have contact with them.
How did the white football players react to integrating black football players on their team?
The white football players were strongly disagreeing with this integration which lead to bullying.