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2 ep Christmas vocab continued
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What date is Christmas?
December 25th
What are these?
He is wearing a Christmas ____________________.
What are these?
Christmas stockings
Olaf is a _______________.
Who's birthday do we celebrate on Christmas?
What is this?
A robot
What kind of toys can you find in a toy shop?
Trains, robots, dinosaurs, dolls, teddy bears, legos, balls, etc...
Como se dice "regalo" en Ingles?
gift/ present
Can you buy pets in a book shop?
No, you can't
Como se dice "Feliz Navidad" en ingles?
Merry Christmas!
What are these?
What are these?
Christmas balls
Santa's favorite reindeer is named...
What are these?
Christmas bells
What is she putting on top of the Christmas tree?
A star
What are they decorating?
A Christmas tree
What are these?
Christmas lights
She has got ______________ hair and _____________eyes.
red hair and brown eyes
She has got _________ hair and ___________ eyes.
gray hair and blue eyes.
She has got ___________ hair and __________ eyes.
blonde hair and green eyes
This is a _____________ and a ______________.
baby and a teddy bear
What is this?
Santa's beard
Santa has got _________ eyes and ___________ hair.
blue eyes, white hair