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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My hair is __________ (long) than your hair.
My hair is LONGER than your hair.
My sister is ________ (young) than me.
My sister is YOUNGER than me.
I feel ____________ (sleepy) now than I did in the morning.
I feel SLEEPIER now than I did in the morning.
My house is ________ (clean) than yours.
My house is CLEANER than yours.
My new school is ___________ (far) than the old one.
My new school is FURTHER than the old one.
My brother is ___________ (tall) than my sister.
My brother is TALLER than my sister.
My father is ___________ (strict) than my mother.
My father is STRICTER than my mother.
The cake in this shop is ___________ (nice) than the other shop.
The cake in this shop is NICER than the other shop.
I can jump ___________ (high) than my friends.
I can jump HIGHER than my friends.
My mother cooks ____________ (good) than your mother.
My mother cooks BETTER than your mother.
My test is ____________ (difficult) than the other students' tests.
My test is MORE DIFFICULT than the other students' tests.
The dog barks ____________ (loud) than the other dogs on the street.
The dog barks LOUDER than the other dogs on the street.
He can run ____________ (fast) than the other children.
He can run FASTER than the other children.
The girl wanted to be ____________ (beautiful) than her friends.
The girl wanted to be MORE BEAUTIFUL than her friends.
This tree is _______________ (big) than the other one.
This tree is BIGGER than the other one.
She is ____________ (pretty) than her sister
She is PRETTIER than her sister.