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Inventions and Discoveries

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was invented by the Lumière brothers? a) house lighting b) cinema c) computer screen
b) cinema
What did Marie Curie discover?
The fist credit card was used in 1946. Where?
New York, the USA
Where was the first self-propelled vehicle made? a) the USA b) Germany c) France
c) France
Where was the compass invented? a) Greece b) China c) Rome
b) China
What was invented by Alexander Popov? a) TV b) the radio c) the telephone
b) the radio
Who invented the electric light bulb?
Thomas Edison
What did James Watt invent? a) a light switch b) a steamboat c) a steam engine
c) a steam engine
Who was the first person to point the telescope towards the sky? a) da Vinci b) Galileo c) Archimedes
b) Galileo
What was invented by Dmitriy Mendeleev?
the Periodic system of chemical elements
What was invented by Tim Berners-Lee? a) World Wide Web b) wi-fi connection
a) World Wide Web
What was invented by the Wright brothers? a) a printing press b) a computer mouse c) an airplane
c) an airplane
Who invented the atomic bomb? a) J. Robert Oppenheimer b) William Mills c) Samuel Colt
a) J. Robert Oppenheimer
What was created by Johannes Gutenberg? a) the guillotine b) the printing press c) the hot air balloon
b) the printing press
Where was paper invented? a) Egypt b) Greece c) China
c) China
What was discovered by James Cook?
What was invented by Alexander Bell? a) TV b) the radio c) the telephone
c) the telephone
What was discovered by Christopher Columbus?
What was discovered by Vasco da Gama? a) the sea route to India b) Australia
a) the sea route to India
What was discovered by Alexander Fleming? a) radiation b) penicillin c) gunpowder
b) penicillin