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Bill of Rights and other Amendments Review

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Powers not granted to the United States were reserved to the States (States Rights)
10th Amendment
Who was for the Bill of Rights and would not ratify (approve) the Constitution without it?
Who was for the Constitution and believed the Bill of Rights was unnecessary?
How many total amendments are there in the Constitution?
All the rights not listed in the Constitution belong to the people, not the government
9th Amendment
Rights of persons accused of crimes: Self incrimination and double jeopardy
5th Amendment
Guaranteed 5 basic freedoms: Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press, and Speech
1st Amendment
Prohibited unlawful forced housing of soldiers in private homes
3rd Amendment
Outlawed unreasonable search and seizure
4th Amendment
Right to a fair, public and speedy trial with a lawyer
6th Amendment
Gave people the right to a jury trial in civil cases
7th Amendment
Limited bails, fines, and cruel and unusual punishments
8th Amendment
Gave citizenship and equally protected certain rights (African Americans)
14th Amendment
Gave people the right to vote regardless of race (African American males vote)
15th Amendment
Abolished Slavery
13th Amendment
Established the procedure of electing a president and vice president
12th Amendment
Made it illegal to make, sell, or transport alcohol (prohibition)
18th Amendment
Gave women the right to vote
19th Amendment
Repealed the 18th amendment and ended prohibition
21st Amendment
Set limits for presidential terms
22nd Amendment
Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18
26th Amendment
Gave people the right to bear arms
2nd Amendment