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All metals are solid elements in normal temperature except bromine.
Non-metals are found in two states. (.........)
No , THREE ( solid - liquid - gas)
e. Cooking pots are made of aluminum. GR
Because aluminum is good conductor of heat.
. Poles of electric cells are made up of ...............
The group of elements that doesn't have luster is known as ..............
Jewels are made of gold or silver. GR
Because they are shiny and can be shaped easily
Carbon (graphite) is used in making positive poles of dry cells. GR
Because it is good conductor of electricity.
Sulphur is a non-metal element. give reason
Because it has no luster and bad conductor of electricity.
. All the following elements are good conductors of electricity except ………… a. Carbon b. Iron c. Sulphur d. Copper
1. ...................... is an example of non-metals. a. Copper b. Carbon c. Aluminium d. Iron
Elements that have low melting point. (…………………………..)
non metal
Elements which can be bent, hammered, and are good conductors of heat and electricity
Metals are good conductors of .............. and ..................
electricity ---heat
. ...................... is a liquid metal, while ………...........…… is a liquid non-meta
mercury ---- bromine
Jewellery is made of…………
Give reason:- 1-Sulphur is a non metal element
Because it has low melting point ,,bad conductor of heat ands electricicty
5-Positive poles of dry cell are made of carbon. ( )
-A non-metal that is used in making the positive pole of the dry cell. (………………………….)
Cooking pots are made of…………..
1-Silver has metallic luster so, it is…………….., while sulphur hasn't metallic luster so, it is……………
metal ,,,non-metal
-Electric wires are made up of……………. a-sulphur b-carbon c-copper
Iron is used in making………………and……………….…
bridge - door