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Second Step Unit 1 Review: Kindergarten & 1st

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a bystander?
A person who sees or knows bullying is happening to someone else.
What does the word 'refuse' mean?
To not let something happen. To make something stop.
What does the word 'recognize' mean?
To know what something is when you see it.
What type of voice do we use when reporting bullying?
Strong, respectful, assertive voice
Is bullying allowed at our school?
Who are trusted adults you could report bullying to?
Answers vary
Bullying or a problem? Someone scares you every day.
That's bullying!
Bullying or a problem? Someone accidentally bumps into you while in line.
That's a problem!
Bullying or a problem? Someone grabs your pencil one time.
That's a problem!
Bullying or a problem? Someone leaves you out on purpose at recess every day.
That's Bullying!
How can we tell if someone is bullying?
It happens over and over. You can make it stop. They are being mean on purpose.
Name one of the 3 R's for bullying prevention
Recognize, report and refuse
What can you do to help you remember directions?
Listen. Focus attenion. Repeat directions to myself. (Use self-talk)
What happens to your brain every time you make it work hard?
It gets smarter!
What action can we do to be safe?
What does it mean to show respect?
doing and saying kind things
What does being safe mean?
no feelings or bodies get hurt
Why do we have class rules?
To help keep us safe and show respect for others.
What 3 body parts do we need for listening?
eyes, ears and brain
Why do we use self talk?
To help us pay attention and block out distractions.
What can we use to help us focus our attention?
Our Attent-o-scope!
What learning skill does this picture show?
be assertive
What learning skill does this picture show?
use self-talk
What learning skill does this picture show?
What learning skill does this picture show?
focus attention
Name the following listening rule
voice quiet
Name the following listening rule
body still
Name the following listening rule
ears listening
Name the following listening rule
eyes watching