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Constitution Baamboozle

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What year was the Declaration
What year was Jamestown made the first permanent settlement?
What document complained about the lack of trial by Jury in the 13 colonies?
Declaration of Independence
What group of colonies grew oats, wheat, grain and raised livestock?
The Middle Colonies
Why were explorers trying to find the Northwest psasage?
To find a route to Asia to get luxury goods
Who was Roger Williams?
Founded Rhode Island for religious toleration
What did John Locke say were unalienable rights?
Life, liberty, property
What was the slogan of the Patriots before the American Revolution
No Taxation without representation
What was one strength of the Articles of Confederation?
Post office, manage war
Which government had no executive branch or power to tax?
Articles of Confederation
What was the name of the trade system that took Africans to plantations?
Trans-atlantic slave trade
What was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
No president, no power to tax
Which group of colonies were founded for religious freedom by Puritans
New England Colonies
What country claimed Florida, Texas, and California in the exploration era?
What era featured people writing a government for the United States?
Constitution Era
List one requirement of the Northwest oridinace
State constitution, Territories govern themselves, 60,000 people to become a state
What was the law that made a process for admitting new states?
Northwest Ordinance
What the idea that the government must have the permission of the citizens to act?
Consent of the governed
What was the first federal government in the US
Articles of Conederation
What did the Treaty of Paris of 1783 say
The US was an independent country
What was the result of the battle of Yorktown?
The British surrendered and the war ended
What country allied with the Patriots after the Battle of Saratoga?
What was the turning point of the American Revolution?
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
What are the rights you have from birth- life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?
Unalienable Rights