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Plant & Animal Cells

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kills bacteria cells?
Another name for the bacteria loop of DNA is...
Chromosomal DNA
Bacteria cells may have small rings of DNA called?
The location of genetic material in Bacteria cells.
Loop of DNA
Do prokaryotic cells have a nucleus?
Are eukaryotes unicellular or multicellular?
Mostly Multicellular (some unicellular)
Are Prokaryotes unicellular or multicellular?
Unicellular organisms
Another name for single cell organisms
unicellular organisms
What is the name for organisms (plants & animals ) with eukaryotic cells
3 Examples of prokaryotic cells
Plant & Animal cells & Algae
The name for bacteria cells
Prokaryotic cells
Cells can be divided into 2 types, name them.
Eukaryotic cells and Prokaryotic cells
In what part of the plant cell does photosynthesis take place?
What is the purpose of the cell wall?
Strengthen & support the cell
What is is a plant cell wall made of?
What gives plants their green colour?
What sub-cellular structure is chlorophyll in?
Name 3 sub-cellular structures that are in a plant, but not an animal cell.
Vacuole, cell wall, chloroplasts
Other than a nucleus, name one sub-cellular structure
Cytoplasm, membrane, ribosome, mitochondria, vacuole, cell wall, chloroplasts
Controls the cell & contains genetic material (DNA)
A gel like substance where chemical reactions occur.
Holds the cell together & controls what substances enter & leave the cell.
Cell Membrane
Proteins are made here.
Name the sub cellular structure: Aerobic respiration occurs here to release energy.
Other than a nucleus, name one sub-cellular structure
Mitochondria, Ribosome, Membrane, Cytoplasm, Ribosomes
The term for structures in a cell