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Benjamin Franklin 2R

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How old was Ben when he died?
A very old 84!
What important paper did Benjamin Franklin help to write?
The Declaration of Independence
Name something that Ben Franklin started that we still use today?
The library, The city hospital, the fire department
Why did Ben run away to Philadelphia at age 17?
Because he argued with his brother
How old was Ben when he quit school to work with his dad?
10 years old
How did Ben discover that lightning made electricity?
He flew a kite in a storm
What Did Ben invent that burned less wood to heat homes?
The Franklin Stove
Why is Benjamin Franklin famous?
Because he helped the country form its first government.
Where was Ben born?
Boston, Massachusetts
How did Ben trick his brother to get him to print his articles?
He signed the articles with a woman's name.
Where did Ben learn to make newspapers?
In his brother's print shop
How many brothers and sisters did Ben have?
What kinds of things was Ben curious about?
What makes the wind blow? Where does electricity come from? Why is the ocean warm?
How do you pronounce "Philadelphia"