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My house

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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nidngi oorm
dining room
iivgln rmoo
living room
wow the living room is so messy
Wow the living room is so messy!
i have my birthday in december
I have my birthday in December.
james went to the bedroom
James went to the bedroom.
we cook dinner in the kitchen on saturday
We cook dinner in the kitchen on Saturday.
the garage is full of bikes
The garage is full of bikes.
on monday we go to school
On Monday we go to school.
my name is jenny
My name is Jenny.
the house is big
The house is big.
What room is this?
It's the livingroom.
What room is this?
It's the garden.
What room is this?
It's the bedroom.
What room is this?
It's the garage.
What room is this?
It's the bedroom.
What room is this?
It's the bedroom.
What room is this?
It's the garage.
What room is this?
It's the garden.
What room is this?
It's the livingroom.
What room is this?
It's the bathroom.
What room is this?
It's the kitchen.
What room is this?
It's the garden
What room is this?
It's the living room.
What room is this?
It's the kitchen.
What room is this?
It's the garage
What room is this?
It's the bathroom
What room is this?
It's the bedroom