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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the title of the story?
Abunuwasi`s House
What was Abunuwasi`s plan to convince the merchant to buy the top half of the house?
Scare him by saying that since he doesn`t want to buy the bottom half. He is going to destroy it.
What did Abunuwasi give to his friends?
heavy mallets
How many friends did Abunuwasi gather to go and talk to the merchant?
Why did Abunuwasi decide to sell the bottom half of his house?
Because he wants to leave town.
What are the 5 stages of a story?
Introduction / Build up( problem) / Conflict ( climax) /resolution/ conclusion
How did the story describe the merchant`s character?
Rich and greedy
How did the story describe Abunuwasi`s character?
Smart and cunning