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Grade 2, Unit 2, Week 3 - "Prairie Guard Dogs"
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Why is a prairie dog's burrow important?
It protects them from danger.
What is Pete's job as a guard?
He looks around for predators.
How do prairie dogs uses grasses in their habitat?
They use them to hide and they eat them.
Name 2 predators of prairie dogs
Coyotes, bobcats, badgers, foxes and weasels
Name 2 predators of prairie dogs
Coyotes, bobcats, badgers, foxes, and weasels
What do prairie dogs eat?
Roots, seeds, leaves of plants and grasses
How much do prairie dogs weigh?
2-4 pounds
How tall are prairie dogs?
12-15 inches tall
Where do prairie dogs sleep?
They sleep in their burrows.
What are two things of the rooms that prairie dogs have in their burrows?
Sleeping rooms, bathrooms, and food rooms.
What are two things you learned about prairie dog burrows?
They have tunnels, sleeping rooms, and bathrooms.
Why do prairie dogs have a guard?
To keep them safe and warn if there are predators.
How many different sounds can prairie dogs make?
What is the name of this prairie dog predator?
How do prairie dogs stay safe from predators?
They dig burrows. They use different sounds to warn each other.
Describe the prairie.
It has a lot of grasses, but few trees.
Where do prairie dogs live?
The prairie.