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Ohio 1.3 Ohio's Early People

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This tribe was probably the first tribe to use bows and arrows.
arrows. Fort Ancient Indians
A way of life shared by a group of people is called __________________________.
What do you call mounds in the shape of animals?
Effigy mounds
Signs of trading such as shells from the Atlantic Ocean and ______________ from Lake Superior were found in Ohio.
What is a word that means something or someone existed before living history?
Who are the first group of mound builders in Ohio?
Adena Indians
What is an object made by people who lived long ago, often studied by an archaeologist?
an artifact
What is a scientist who studies people who lived in the past are called?
After the _____________ ended, the larger animals became extinct, so people hunted the smaller animals.
Ice Age
This group of people arrived in North America from Asia following the mammoths and mastodons.
Prehistoric People
Which natural resource did the Iroquois use to make houses?
houses? young trees and tree bark