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Sparks Bible Quizzing

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long did it take God to create the world?
Six days and on the Seventh day He rested
According to Acts 16:31: If you believe in the Lord Jesus, you will be __________.
What does the word perish mean?
To be separated from God forever
Out of the ten lepers how many returned to thank Jesus for the healing?
Jesus Christ will _________ the world as king.
Psalm 23:1-2 Says:
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
This person was a judge. He also killed a bear and a lion with his hands. He lost his strength when his hair was cut.
The first Six books of the New Testament
Matthew; Mark; Luke; John; Acts; Romans
Another word for God's Rules in the Bible
Law; Commandment
Decode the verse: Great si rou Lord, dna abundant ni wepor...
Great is our Lord; and abundant in power
K is for ___________.
Zacchaeus was a (tall or short) man.
According to Psalms 100:4 We are to enter His gates with ____________. And His courts with __________!
Thanksgiving; Praise
What word means: "what someone earns for what he does, like an allowance."
What doe 1 Corinthians 15:3 say?
"Christ died for our sins In accordance with the scripture."
Genesis 1:31 says. "and ______ saw everything that ________ had made, and behold, it was very good..."
God; He
Psalm 118:1 says, "Oh give thanks to the LORD, For He is ...?
What are the first 5 Books of the Old Testament?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
S is for _________ ???