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Reading and use of English part 4
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is advisable not to climb mountains after a heavy snowfall -> You______ mountains after a heavy snowfall (AVOID)
You should avoid climbing mountains after a heaby snowfall
Our surroundings became more primitive as we travelled further inland -> The further we travelled _____ our surroundings became (THE)
The further we travelled inland, the more primitive our surroundings became
People generally think of tennis as a safe sport -> Tennis_____ a safe sport (CONSIDERED)
Tennis is generally considered to be a safe sport
Driving a car without insurance is illegal -> It _____ a car without insurance (LAW)
It is against the law to drive a car without insurance
They had offered him a .38 gun for his own protection -> They had offered him a .38 gun so that _____ himself (PROTECT)
They had offered him a .38 gun so that he could protect himself / whould be able to protect himself
I have absolutely no interest whatever in adventure holidays -> Adventure holidays_____in the least (APPEAL)
Adventure holidays do not appeal to me in the least