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Early Man Test Review

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What major development marked the end of the Neolithic Age?
The discovery of bronze
What is specialization?
When someone does one specific job
What was a major change in society as villages developed?
People stopped being nomads and settled along rivers
What were crops like wheat barley and maize domesticated for?
Human use
What material were late Neolithic houses made of?
Wood covered in mud
What technique did early humans use to prepare fields for planting?
Slash and burn
What animals were first domesticated?
What major change occurred around 10000 BCE to 8000 BCE?
The use of hooks fishing spears and canoes
How did early humans create art?
By using crushed rocks to make cave paintings
What did early humans eat besides meat?
Fish berries nuts and wild plants
Where did early humans live during the Paleolithic era?
Caves and pit houses
What did early humans use spears for?
Hunting large prey like bison
What was a popular stone used by early humans?
What type of tools did people use in the Paleolithic era?
Basic stone tools
When did the Paleolithic era end?
Around 10000 BCE
What was a land bridge made of ice that allowed migration to North America?
Asia to North America
Why did early humans migrate?
Climate changes during ice ages
What lifestyle did early humans follow during the Paleolithic era?
What are the three time periods of the Stone Age?
Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic
How many major ice ages do scientists believe the Earth has experienced?
When did Homo sapiens first emerge in Africa?
About 300000 years ago
Which hominid group lived in sub-Saharan Africa about 2.4-1.5 million years ago?
Homo habilis
Where have the earliest hominids been discovered?
What is prehistory?
The period of history that occurred before writing was invented