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Essay Terminology

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this statement correct? Juliet said that "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" (33).
What is wrong with this statement (2 things) ? The author stated "he is shocked to find that his daughter refuses to marry Paris" (29).
missing a comma and has improper capitalization
What is a shortened version of the text written in the writer's own words called?
a summary
What is the proper formatting for a date in MLA style?
List in order what should be included in a MLA heading.
student name, teacher name, class title, date
What is wrong with the following sentence found in an essay: If a quorum of students isn't found, they won't be able to field a team.
Contractions are not allowed: should be "is not" and "will not"
Evidence + commentary is called a "chunk." What is called when you include chunks in your essay?
spewing chunks
The preferred point of view for an academic essay is...
3rd person
Opinions or interpretations in the body paragraphs are called...
Support like facts, examples, quotes, statistics is called...
HATMAT is an acronym which helps the writer to remember what to include in which part of the essay?
For what does HATMAT stand?
Hook, Author, Title, Main Character, A summary, Thesis
This is the main part of your essay that comes between the introduction and conclusion.
What do you call it when you restate something in YOUR OWN WORDS without changing the meaning?
Where can you find the topic sentence in a paragraph
The topic sentence is the main idea of a paragraph and should be the first sentence in the paragraph
Of what are these an example: in conclusion, for example, additionally, lastly...
Transition words
The beginning of an essay states what the rest of the essay will contain; what is the first paragraph called?
What statement is the most important part of your essay?
thesis statement
What is it called when someone copies or claims someone else's ideas or words as their own?
How many sentences should a body paragraph have?
What is the last paragraph of an essay called?
What are these called: "On page ___, it states,..." / According to the passage... / An example is....
After you finish your essay, what should you do before turning it in to the teacher?
proofread or edit
Give two examples of things that could be used as a hook in your essay
a "feeling" statement, quotes, shocking statements, interesting facts
What is the purpose of the hook?
To grab the readers' attention
What is the minimum number of paragraphs found in an essay?
It is the blueprint of the essay. It is a claim statement of what the writer wants to prove in an essay and is found at the end of the introduction
Thesis Statement