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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People must do something before it is too late.
before it is too late
People do not usually like seeing animals in zoos after they have seen them in the wild.
after they have seen them in the wild
Finch Hatton wrote to the newspaper because he wanted to save the lions.
because he wanted to save the lions
I lived in Africa when I was younger.
when I was younger
Hunting is a popular sport although many people do not agree with it.
although many people do not agree with it
If people took notice of the letter, hunting in motor cars might be stopped.
If people took notice of the letter
I was very upset when I first read the letter.
when I first read the letter
No one knew much about the problem until he wrote to the Times.
until he wrote to the Times
Although he was a hunter, he didn't agree with shooting animals from a motor car.
Although he was a hunter
Finch Hatton went on a safari when he was in Africa.
when he was in Africa