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God is Powerful

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False. When Jesus gives a command nothing obeys him.
Fill in the Blank. The disciples were terrified and __________.
What did Jesus say to the storm?
"Silence, be still!"
Did the disciplies have faith in God when there was a storm?
No they didn't
What did the diciples shout to Jesus when they woke him up?
"Help, save us we are going to drown! Don't you care if we drown?"
True or False. Other boats followed Jesus and his disciples.
What was Jesus doing before he wanted to cross the lake?
Preaching to a crowed of people
Name one thing Jesus did?
Let Teacher decide.
True or False. Jesus did not fall a sleep on the boat.
Was Jesus afraid when there was a storm?