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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who wrote "To God alone be the praise" on his religious pieces?
What is a suite?
A collection of dance pieces
What is the difference between a tie and a slur?
A tie connects notes of the same pitch; a slur indicates legato
What does D.C. al Coda mean?
From the beginning to the sign
What is the abbreviation for diminuendo?
What accidentals are in D Major?
#C and #F
What is a basso continuo?
An instrumental bass line that runs behind a piece
What is a Toccata?
A piece that demonstrates various touches on the keyboard
What is the difference between a harpsichord and a piano?
A harpsichord plucks the strings; a piano hammers them to create sound.
What is a prelude?
An introductory piece (or series of pieces)
What is a concerto?
A solo instrument featured in front of an orchestra
Which composer was an orphan: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, or Brahms?
Bach (by age 10)
What is a gavotte?
A French dance (from Bach's time)
What does a decrescendo look like?
A greater-than sign
If you're on F and go up half a step, where are you?
What does the 8 in 3/8 time mean?
Eighth notes get a full beat; quarter notes get two beats
What are the two common times?
4/4 and 3/4
How many flats does G Major have?
G Major doesn't have flats
What are the accidentals in A Major?
#C, #F, #G
What does D.C. al Fine mean?
Go back to the beginning and play until the 'Fine'
What is the bottom clef called?
Bass clef
What is the difference between diminuendo and decrescendo?
Decrescendo means to decrease volume; diminuendo means to decrease volume and speed
What does rit. mean?
Slow down
What sharps are in B Major?
F#, G#, A#, C#, D#
What are the accidentals in F Major?
What is the purpose of a fermata?
Holds the note longer than usual
What does legato do to music?
Makes it smooth