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Passive Voice Conversation Practice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What nicknames ________ (call) by your family?
What nicknames are you called by your family?
Normally, what ______________ (eat) for breakfast in your home city?
Normally, what is usually eaten for breakfast in your home city? (Answer the question)
In my house last year, New Years __________ (celebrate) by . . .
In my house last year, New Years was celebrated by . . .
An award that I ____________ (give) in the past was . . .
An award that I was given in the past was . . .
When I was growing up, a common meal that ___________ (prepare) at my house was . . .
When I was growing up, a common meal that was prepared at my house was . . . (Finish the sentence)
The last party that _______________ (celebrate) at my house was . . .
The last party that was celebrated at my house was . . . (Finish the sentence)
What cell phone game ____________ (play) the most in your country?
What cell phone game is played the most in your country? (Answer the question!)
My favorite book ____________ (write) by . . .
My favorite book was written by . . . (Finish the sentence!)
My favorite music ______________ (make) by . . .
My favorite music is made by . . . (Finish the sentence!)
When I can't sleep, my insomnia ____________ (cause) by . . .
When I can't sleep, my insomnia is caused by . . . (Finish the sentence)
Some things I ___________ (annoy) by are . . .
Some things I am annoyed by are . . . (Finish the sentence!)
Some of the things I __________ (frighten) by are . . .
Some of the things I am frightened by are . . . (Finish the sentence!)