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P4 Young - We Respect History

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Continue the line: "We respect history...
we shape the future."
G3B: "With every thread that time unfurls, [ ... ]"
Our heritage is a wonderwall that weaves our world.
G3A: "Siblings’ laughter and dreams aligned, [ ... ]."
Add bright hues to the family’s mind
G3B: "Mother’s insights, [ ... ], Help us find where our path lies."
thoughtful and wise
G3A: "Father’s courage, steady and true, [ ... ]"
Helps us face challenges we pursue.
G3B: "[ ... ], From which our very lives rise and fall."
Respect the lineage, the ancestors’ call
G3A: "Grandpa’s wisdom and Grandma’s grace, [... ]"
Guide us through life’s intricate maze.
All G3: " In the [ ... ] , Lies a tale that’s built to last."
echoes of our family’s past
G2A: "In each old site, [ ... ], We see our lives, we find a wonderwall."
where echoes sprawl
G2B: "[ ... ], Carve their marks in time and space."
The Great Wall’s might and Hercilio Luz’s grace
G2A: "[ ... ], Each holds a piece of the world’s wonderland."
From deserts wide to bridges grand
G2B: "From Paris’ lights to Machu Picchu’s high, [ ... ]
Respect these sites where great dreams lie."
G2A: "The places where [ ... ], Were once someone’s cherished stay."
we laugh and stray
G2B: "[ ... ] They hold whispers of the past they bring."
From Giza’s sands to Stonehenge’s ring,
All G2: "In every stone, a story lies, [ ... ]
Beneath the vast and open skies."
G1B: " [ ... ] They are our wonderwall."
With every step and every call,
G1A: " [ ... ] In aviation, his legacy is declared."
Santos Dumont, the skies he dared,
G1B: "Malala Yousafzai, for education’s fight, [ ... ]
Her courage shines as a beacon of light."
G1A: "[ ... ] His art and inventions forever will last."
Leonardo da Vinci, with genius vast,
G1B: "Marie Curie, with her science’s glow, [ ... ]
Her work in radium continues to show."
G1A: "Albert Einstein, [ ... ] , His theories sparked the world’s insights"
mind so bright
All G1:"[ ... ], Their contributions, like stars, forever roam."
From lands afar or close to home,
Continue the line: "A wonderwall can be the essence of heritage’s grace,
a legacy whose value time cannot efface."
Continue the line: "A wonderwall can be a place or a grand event,
which leaves a mark that forever will stand."
Continue the line: "A wonderwall can be a renowned person you revere,
whose achievements and presence always feel near."
Continue the line: "A wonderwall is an impact that won't fall...
its influence stays vivid and calls to you all."