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Bruno's new home

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What lesson did Bruno learn by the end of the story?
Bruno learned that good friends can come in small packages, appreciating Jack's help despite his small size.
How did Bruno and Jack work together to solve the problem with the cave?
Jack chewed through the thick roots, and Bruno dug out the dirt, working together until Bruno could fit through the entrance.
How did the story of the lion and the mouse inspire Bruno?
The story inspired Bruno to realize that Jack, though small, had sharp teeth and could help him with the roots, just like the mouse helped the lion.
What story did Bruno read, and what was its message?
Bruno read a story about a lion and a mouse, where the mouse helped the lion escape a net. The message was that small friends can be helpful too.
What did Jack the squirrel suggest Bruno do to get help?.
Jack suggested that Bruno read a book to become educated, and he gave Bruno a thick red book
Who offered to help Bruno with his problem, and what was Bruno's initial reaction?
A small squirrel named Jack offered to help. Bruno initially thought Jack was too small to help
How did Bruno try to solve the problem with the cave entrance on his own?
Bruno tried digging out the dirt and pulling the roots with his huge paws, but the dirt was packed down, and the roots were too tough to pull out.
What problem did Bruno face with the entrance of the cave?.
The entrance was blocked with a pile of dirt and tangled roots, and Bruno couldn't fit through it
What did Bruno discover on the side of the rocky hill, and why was it perfect for him?
Bruno discovered a cave in the side of a rocky hill, and it was perfect for hibernation except for the blocked entrance.
Why was Bruno having trouble finding a place to hibernate?
Bruno had trouble finding a place because no place he found was right for hibernation.
What season was approaching as Bruno searched for a place to hibernate?
Winter was approaching.
Why was Bruno shivering at the beginning of the story?
Bruno was shivering because a frosty wind blew through the forest, and it was almost winter.