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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What document lists grievances against the King and unalienable rights?
Declaration of Independence
What is consent of the governed?
The idea that the government's power rests with the people
What laws punished the colonists for the Boston Tea Party?
Intolerable Acts
What was mercantilism?
Britain controlled trade
Why did self government grow in the 13 coloines?
Distance from Britain
What colony was founded by Pilgrims and Puritans for religious freedom?
Who was the general of the Continental Army?
George Washington
What grievance best explains why colonists were upset about economic policies after the French and Indian war
For taxing us without our consent
He has quartered among us large bodies of armed troops
He has restricted our trade with all parts of the world
He has refused his Assent to laws
What country helped the Patriots after the Battle of Saratoga
What battle was the turning point of the American Revolution?
What battle ended the American Revolution?
Battle of Yorktown
What law prohibited colonists from expanding west of the Appalachian Mountains?
Proclamation of 1763
What document listed grievances against King George III?
Declaration of Independence
What Enlightenment philosopher wrote about unalienable rights?
John Locke
What are your unalienable rights?
life, liberty, pursuit of happiness
Name 2 causes of the American Revolution
Taxation without representation, distance from Britain, Civil Liberties
What religious group found a haven in Maryland?
Which region exported agricultural goods?
Middle Colonies
What did New England export?
Fish, ships, and lumber
What did Americans send Europeans under Triangular Trade?
raw materials
What did Europeans send Africans under Triangular Trade?
Manufactured goods
What colonies' economies centered around tobacco?
Southern colonies
Why did James Oglethorpe found Georgia?
To block Spain and give debtors a fresh start
Why did the 3 colonial regions have different economies?
They had different geographies
Why did colonists form their own governments?
They were too far from Great Britain
What social contract was signed by the Pilgrims?
Mayflower Compact
Why did Europeans explore?
wealth, territory, religion and empires
Where were Europeans initially trying to go during the Exploration Era?
Why did England colonize North America
for religious and social reasons
Why did Spain colonize North America?
To spread Catholic missions
Why did the French colonize North America?
Trade fur with Native Americans
Which era did Jamestown begin?