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Book Teamwork Guess the Word Page 20 D.M

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's the feeling you get when something is not too hot and not too cold.
It's a word you use when something is just like you'd usually expect it to be, very normal and familiar for its kind.
It's the most important part of something, the part you pay the most attention to.
It's a word you use to describe something that's very pleasing, delightful, and charming.
It's when you have no doubts and are completely confident about something.
It's a word you use when something is so incredible, astonishing, or impressive that it leaves you in awe.
It's a friendly word or gesture that you use to greet and invite someone with warmth and hospitality.
It's a traditional gesture that involves two people coming together and moving a part of their arms to greet each other or show agreement.
Shake hands
It's what you do when you bring food or drinks to the table in a restaurant.
It's what happens when you are given something, like a gift, message, or package.
It's what you do when you move a door, lid, or cover so that you can access what's inside or pass through.
It's what you do when you go behind someone or something to see where they're going or to support and pay attention to what they're doing.
It's what you do when you give food to someone or something, like your pets or yourself.
It's when you begin to have deep and romantic feelings for someone, and your heart feels happy and excited around them.
Fall in love
It means to surprise or astonish someone by doing something extraordinary or remarkable.
It's the big place where we live, with countries, people, and lots of different places.
It's the most common seasoning we use to make our food taste better.
It's a spice that adds a bit of spicy flavor to your food, and it often comes in a shaker on your dining table.
It's a liquid made from plants or minerals, and we use it to cook food, run our cars, and keep machinery moving smoothly.
It's a large group of people who live in the same country, speak the same language, share a common identity, same culture and history.
It's a time when you eat food, often with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
It's a yellow fruit with a sour taste.
It's a task or set of tasks that you do to earn money or to accomplish something.
It's the study of past events and what happened in the past.
It's a person or thing that helps show the way or provides assistance and information.
It's something you use to eat cereal or soup from.