Edit Game
vocabulary revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What color are trousers, a T-shirt, a hoodie and a skirt?
blue, green, red, pink and green
What color are trousers, a T-shirt, a hoodie and a skirt?
blue, green, red, pink and green
Who is he?
He's a costumer designer.
Who is she?
She's an make-up artist.
Name three types of films that start with given letters: H, M, R
horror films, musicals, romantic films
Who is she?
She's an actress.
one thief - 5 ..., one coat - 5 ..., one dress - 5 ..., a comedy - 5 ...
thieves, coats, dresses, comedies
wełna, bawełna, skóra, plastik
wool, cotton, leather, plastic
He ..... (popełnić przestępstwo) last year. He .... (iść do więzienia).
committed a crime, went to prison
The burglars. are ..... (uciekają)! We have to ..... (ścigać) them.
running away, chase
A. I've lost my backpack. B. What ......... like
does it look
Może kupimy duży popcorn?
Shall we buy a big popcorn?
Ask somebody if he/she wants anything to drink.
Would you like a drink?
What type of films can you see in the picture? Name 4.
a cartoon, a comedy, a horror film, a romantic film, a science - fiction film, a thriller, a musical, an adventure film, a historical film
What clothes can you see in the picture?
trainers, socks, a dress, a skirt. a shirt, a coat, a hat
What were they doing yesterday at one p.m.?
They were breaking into a house.