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Girls on the Run
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What is one quality you look for in a friend?
Various answers
What is empathy?
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes, understanding someone's feelings
Give an example of when you could use the "Stop and take a Breather" strategy.
Various answers
What is one community you are a part of?
Various answers
What are the four parts of an I Feel statement?
I feel, when you, because, I would like for you to
What was our community impact project?
Cleaning the environment and helping Chicago!
What does it mean to compromise?
Various answers
What is one thing you can do if you notice your friend has a cloud over them?
Various answers
What is one way to increase your star power?
Various answers
What are the names of your coaches?
Ms. Hogan and Coach Katie
How many girls are on our team?
What days of the week did we meet for practice?
Mondays and Thursdays
Name one of our energy awards!
Mohawk, Banana, Mango, Possum, Ponytail....
Finish this sentence... "Girls on the Run is so much ________"