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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of these countries?
Madagascar and South Africa
What is the name of these countries?
Senegal and Nigeria
What is the name of these countries?
Morocco and Egypt
What is the name of this cape? ver mapa
Cape of Good Hope
What is the name of this mountain range? ver mapa
What is the name of this gulf? ver ,mapa
Gulf of Guinea
What is the name of this mountain range? (ver mapa)
Atlas mountains
What is the name of this desert?(ver mapa)
Sahara desert
What are the names of these countries in South America?
Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Argentina
What are the names of these countries in Central America?
Mexico and Cuba
What are the names of these countries in north américa?
Alaska, Canada and United States
What is the name of this mountain range?
Rocky mountains
What is the name of this mountain range?
Appalachian Mountains
What is the name of this mountain range?
What are the names of these countries in Asia?
Russia, China and India
What are the names of this mountains?
Ural mountains and Mount everest
What are the names of these plain and plateau?
West siberian plain and Tibetan plateau
What are the names of this archiepelagos?
Japan, Philippines and Indonesia