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Christmas Carols Stave 3

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What was life like in the 19th Century?
Although some became better-off, many were still poor. They lived in cramped, decaying houses, known as slums.
How does Dickens show that money isn't everything on Christmas?
Bob Cratchit - who despite not having much money or means is a much happier man than Scrooge who is far wealthier.
How does Bob Cratchit's family symbolise the idea Christmas spirit?
They are thankful for what they have even if it's not much, and most of all they are thankful for each other. They are a humble, kind hearted family.
What was the Spirit's reply to Scrooge's question: "Have they no refuge or resource?"
The Spirit said are there no prisoners, are there no workhouses?
Who were the two children the Ghost had under his robe?
There was a girl and a boy. The boy is Ignorance, the girl is Want.
How did Scrooge feel by the time he and the Spirit left the nephew's house?
Scrooge becomes happy and cheerful. He felt loved.
Describe the "yes" and "no" game. What was the subject of the game?
One person got an idea and the others had to guess by asking yes and no questions.
What did Scrooge do while his nephew and others were playing games?
He tried to join in when they were playing games.
What did Fred say about his uncle?
Scrooge's nephew said that he loved Scrooge and could never get mad at him
What were the other places that Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present visited?
They visited a lot of other houses and families who were together celebrating.
Describe the Cratchit's family's toast to Scrooge.
They wanted Scrooge to have a Merry Christmas and for him to be happy.
What did the Ghost of Christmas Present say will happen to Tiny Tim if things don't change?
Tiny Tim would die,
Who is Tiny Tim?
Tiny Tim was Bob Cratchit's son.
What is the first place Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present visit?
They visited the town.
Who was the Ghost of Chriistmas Present?
The Spirit wore a green robe bordered with white fur. On his head he wore a holly wreath with icicles. He had sparkling eyes and a cheery air.