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Who is most likely to...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who will most likely have climbed Mount Everest by the age of 50?
Who will most likely have gone bungee jumping within 3 years?
Who will most likely have broken their bone by the end of this year?
Who will most likely have adopted a pet by the end of this year?
Who will most likely have bought a house within the next 10 years?
Who will most likely have learned how to play a new instrument next year?
Who will most likely have traveled to every continent by the age of 50?
Who will most likely have finished writing a book by 2040?
Who will most likely be parenting 5 years from now?
Who will most likely be starring in a movie in 10 years?
Who will most likely be volunteering in another country next year?
Who will most likely be studying for a PhD in the next few years?
Who will most likely be working in their dream job 5 years from now?
Who will most likely be speaking five languages fluently in the next decade?
Who will most likely be running a marathon in 5 years?
Who will most likely be living on a different continent in 10 years?
Who will most likely have finished writing a book by 2040?