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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Acid rain is natural and doesn't harm the environment: true or false?
Cables help energy be...
When gases absorb heat in the atmosphere, it is called
Greenhouse effect
Radioactive wastes are produced by nuclear sources: true or false?
Uranium and plutonium are fossil fuels: true or false?
What is this?
An hydroelectric power plant
Catlle manure, wood and hay are used as...
How do we call the energy provided by the Earth's internal heat?
Geothermal energy
Renewable or non-renewable?
Is energy being transformed, transferred or transported?
Cables help energy be...
Uranium and plutonium provide...
Nuclear energy
When can we say energy is "the potential to do work"?
When it's stored
Which type of energy can you identify in this GIF?
Chemical energy
Which type of energy can you identify in this GIF?
Mechanical energy
Energy have four properties
It can be stored, transferred, transformed and transported
It can do work and/or cause change
Batteries, fuel and food have this type of energy stored
Chemical energy