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How Animals Live

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A trait that is passed on from parents to their young is something that is
happens by chance
What is an animal doing when it moves to another place to find food?
What is a trait that helps an animal meet its needs in the place where it lives?
An adaptation.
After the caterpillar eats and eats it sheds its skin and forms a
In the life cycle of a butterfly the 1st stage is the egg. The 2nd stage is the
larva or caterpillar
Give two examples of invertebrate animals
sea jellies, worms, mollusks, arthropods
Invertebrates are animals without a
Name the 5 groups of vertebrates
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals
An animal with a backbone is called a ...
A trait is
a body feature passed on to an animal from its parents.
something an animal cannot do.
What are the 4 things that all animals need?
water, oxygen, food, shelter