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Family and Friends 2. Unit 14. Past Simple: be ( ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They  ____ (be) sad last weekend.
They were sad last weekend.
She _____(be) thirsty 2 hours ago.
She was thirsty 2 hours ago.
He ____(be) hungry last night?
He was hungry last night.
They ______(be) happy yesterday.
They were happy yesterday.
They (not/be) angry at the wedding.
They weren't angry at the wedding.
He (not/be) at the zoo.
He wasn't at the zoo.
She (not/be) at school.
She wasn't at school.
He _____(not/be) at the hospital.
He wasn't at the hospital.
It is a ______.
It is a photo.
Mum _____(be) _____.
Mum was dry.
The kids _____ (be) ______.
The kids were wet.
The desk ____(be) _____.
The desk was tidy.
It is a ______.
It is ___________.
The desk _____(be) _______.
The desk was untidy.
It is a ______.
Billy _____ (be) _______.
Billy was naughty.
They ____(be) ______.
They were sad.
He ___ (be) _____.
He was kind.