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Ohio 1 -People and Resources

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What grew because of the natural resources in the area?
What natural resource is burned to make heat or electricity?
Natural gas was discovered in Toledo, Ohio and these industries became important because of the low cost of natural gas.
Glass-making and steel mills
Like, in, or a city is what?
What are areas surrounding large cities are called ?
What type of land is where houses are spread apart?
Which river forms our entire southern border?
Ohio River
Where would salt be found in Ohio?
Under Lake Erie
What is Ohio's most important natural resource?
What natural resource powered factories and ships?
What provided materials to build homes and make paper?
Trees and Forest
What is something found in nature that people can use?
Natural resources
What is the growing of crops and the raising of farm animals?
What are TWO effects that the glacier had on the land in Ohio?
Carved the hills, left deep SOIL, and left rich TILL.
What is very rich SOIL left behind by the glacier called?
A time period in history of very COLD weather.
Ice Age
What are huge sheets of ice that move slowly over land?
What is water that falls to the ground as rain, sleet, snow, and hail called?