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Discourse Markers for IELTS speaking, Parts 1 &  ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three discourse markers used to introduce an opinion that are appropriate for use in Speaking Part 3.
If you ask me, in my opinion, To my mind, from my point of view
What do you like to eat when you go out for dinner? I usually order pasta, ______ I love Italian food.
As a result of
Owing to
Due to the fact that
True or False: "Personally, I think sleep is just as important as exercise for staying healthy." is an example of giving a reason.
False (it’s an example of introducing an opinion).
How often do you eat healthy meals? I try to eat healthy every day. ______, it’s hard when I’m traveling.
Looking at it from another point of view
Choose the missing discourse marker: Playing tennis, _________________, is a fantastic way to keep fit.
to name one is example
For example
In Particular
To build upon my point a little more
How often do you exercise? "_____, not as much as I would like.
to be honest
that said
on top of that
in particular
The following discourse markers are appropriate for which part of the IELTS speaking test: 'and, also, On top of that, but, even if, however, That said, so, because'?
Part 1
Can you explain why sleep is important for your health? Use “For example” to provide a reason.
Example Answer: Sleep is really important for your health. For example, it helps your body recover and gives your brain time to rest.
What reasons do people have for becoming vegetarian? "Some choose it for ethical reasons, _____, others do it for health."
in addition
on the grounds that
this is why
True or False: "Looking at it from another point of view, not everyone is able to afford gym memberships." is an example of adding detail.
False (it’s an example of contrasting opinions).
Complete the sentence with a discourse marker to contrast opinions: “I think exercising daily is essential, ______ others might believe it’s not necessary.”
Looking at it from another point of view, Whereas, Conversely, However
Select the correct discourse marker to add detail: “Eating healthy is important. _____, regular exercise is also key to staying fit.”
As a consequence
Which discourse marker would you use to conclude a point? “_____, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper sleep are all key to maintaining good health.”
What it all comes down to
To build upon my point a little more
On the grounds that
For this reason
Name three discourse markers used to give a reason or justification that are appropriate for use in Speaking Part 3.
On the grounds that, for this reason, this is why, as a consequence,
Name three discourse markers used to add detail to an idea that are appropriate for use in Speaking Part 3.
Moreover, Furthermore, What's more