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Past Simple affirmative and negative

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I (watch) this film last spring.
I watched this film last spring.
My friends and I (watch) a film on Saturday, we played video games instead.
My friends and I didn't watch a film on Saturday, we played video games instead.
My homework was easy, I (spend) much time on it.
My homework was easy, I dodn't spend much time on it.
I (spend) my winter holiday in the mountains.
I spent my winter holiday in the mountains.
Romeo (love) Juliet.
Romeo loved Juliet.
I (love) the film. It was boring.
I didn't love the film. It was boring.
I was on quarantine and (leave) the house for two weeks.
I was on quarantine and didn't leave the house for two weeks.
We (leave) early and didn't see the end of the show.
We left early and didn't see the end of the show.
I (learn) a very long poem last week.
I learnt a very long poem last week.
The teacher was cross because Mike (learn) the words.
The teacher was cross because Mike didn't learn the words.
We all (get) good marks for the test.
We all got good marks for the test.
I (get) your text message, sorry.
I didn't get your text message, sorry.
My holiday (be) very exciting!
My holiday was very exciting!
I (be) at home yesterday.
I wasn't at home yesterday.